It is 1 a.m.
I only mention this because (hopefully) many of you know the value of sleep. My friends, Kristin and Jeff, whom this blog is dedicated to, would say if we are not sitting around the table eating breakfast at midnight after celebrating new believers... well, it is not worth it. Am I right?? But right now, it is worth it. Jeff and Kristin mean so much to so many and today, I honor, celebrate, clap, and shout for both of you.!! This blog is not only for you, but it is for all of us who love you deeply and have been impacted by your lives. This blog is to somehow put words of what I feel and hear Heaven saying over you.
So let’s back up. I met Jeff and Kristin Thorp at View Church a few years back. Both of them have overseen View Youth and View College for the past 3 years. Our worlds collided when I heard Jeff get up on stage to talk about this thing called “View College”— a discipleship program for college-age students who could work on their degree accredited through Southeastern University. As I sat there, my heart raced as it had caught the vision before my mind ever did. “So let me get this straight... you live life with young adults and you take them through the deep work of God while they fall in love with Him AND they work on a degree???” That was my first thought... and as only God does, He began to speak and thwart my path onto the path of Jeff and Kristin. I knew God had called me to help serve these students. To live with them. Cry with them. Celebrate them. Rejoice. Give to them what I had been given from Jesus.
Over the past several years, Jeff and Kristin have become family to me... friends that you choose to vacay with. The type of friends that you have no problem allowing silence to fill a space. We share our “weird” with one another, our quirks, those hidden dreams, and we eat lots of really good food. Today, I rejoice and celebrate these two because God has called them to step into something that I have heard countless times that they would NEVER do.
They have been called to lead pastor a church in Bellevue, WA. What was once so distant in their hearts has now been captured because God spoke to both of them. And when the Creator speaks, things come to life—vision, burden, faith, and hope.
I write today because there are countless people, including myself, who believe that God is going to bless you immensely in this new journey. You both are faithful, humble, and genuine. You love the Lord.... I say that again and let it sink in... you love the Lord with your whole heart. You love His people. The people that the Lord brings into your care will begin to see His face because of the way you love Him. You image God— you reflect Him in your highs and lows. In your brokenness and transformation.
Jeff, I see Jesus placing His hands on your face. The way that a father or an older brother does when they want to display their passion and love. They hold the face tightly and speak with conviction. I see Jesus looking into your eyes and saying, “ruah”. Jeff, the Lord is breathing His life and His Spirit into your innermost being. He is surging you with His “ruah”. I hear this truth from Galatians: “It is I who no longer live but Christ lives in me.”
Kristin, as I have spoken before, God has called you into a sweet surrender. But I now have more to that word. I see you dancing with Jesus in this season. He is going to teach you a new rhythm— a new sway and step in your partnership. It will not be hard for you to follow His lead. There will be a new level of grace over all things.
I am so proud of both of you. You were not seeking this. There was nothing in you competing for what the world sees as the “more” or as “promotion”. If anything, you are being called to die greater deaths for the sake of His Gospel! I am with you in this and am devoted to both of you to further the name of Jesus. You simply are just following Jesus and He has brought you here for such a time as this. I praise Him and thank Him for His goodness. I cheer and clap and shout over your lives today!! What a time to be alive!! I love you dearly and deeply.
By Grace,
Cortney Rae