Did you know that there is a way out of bondage of sin in which you do not ever have to return? There is a way in which areas of your life that have crippled you for so long can break off of you. The areas that you have returned to over and over and over again after promising yourself (and God) that you never would...yes… there is a way out and I am here to speak a bold encouragement today over your life in the Name of Jesus. I speak that you will be released from your prison and walk in a new power out of the enemy’s camp, never to return back to where you have toiled, labored, and been so badly beaten.
I remember making that first decision to trust Him and to begin walking out from my sexual brokenness, victimization mentality, and even the places that once were so comfortable that I had confided more in the lies than I actually cared to even know the truth. That place is dangerous because that is where most of us sit in denial to any of our serious issues. However, despite it all, God was good to me. He did in me what I could never bring myself to do. He brought me to the edge of the water, gave me people who raised their staff and their faith over my life, and somehow, the sea split and I began walking on dry ground out of my Egypt. I remember that day. I remember my heart turned… not just my head or my feet… but my heart.
Exodus 13:17-18 says, “When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the Philistines, although that was near. For God said, “Lest the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt. But God led the people around by way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. And the people of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle.”
As you and I are becoming all that God intends for us to be, I want to expose a lie of the enemy.
The enemy will tell you that there is no way out. He is a slave-driver… a liar… a manipulator… he steals, kills, and destroys. Whatever is holding you in bondage, I can promise you that it did not put you there overnight. And even though we see dramatic events that led to the Israelite’s freedom, it was simply putting one foot in front of the other and trusting God to bring them out. I personally have had dramatic events in my walk with Jesus, but overall, becoming is all about walking 3.5 mph with Him and trusting His leadership.
The truth is, there is a way out of Egypt in which you never have to return.
These scriptures shed light on God’s nature, His will, and His desire for us! I will list some bullet points below of truths from this text for you to apply to your life.
The way closest to safety was by way of the Philistines, which God said that they would have turned back to Egypt due to fear. The closest or easiest way may not be the God-way. God’s way is victory… not a bandaid or a temporary fix.
God led the people around through the wilderness. First stop out of slavery… detoxing from everything...even the food they ate and the water they drank. The had to be nourished only from God.
God led them to the water in which faith was involved to splitting the sea… faith is required. They did not walk on the water… they had to go through. Their old life had to die. Once they crossed, God caused the waters to drown all of the Egyptians.
It says the people went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle. Why? Because if they had not gone that way, they would have faced the Philistines prematurely and got their “lunch handed to them”, as my father would say. Once again, God’s way is victory… not a temporary fix that only lasts as long as a bandaid.
Freedom is a life-long choice. It is walking with Jesus and allowing Him to continually look into all the rooms of your heart for Him to tend to. He caused the Israelites to go a way in which never to return to Egypt and in the process to be equipped to facing the Philistines (greater giants) at a later date.
Keep walking, my friend. I encourage you with the grace and the peace of Jesus and ask Him to cause you to go in a way in which you are equipped for battle for the future, but never to return back to what has kept you in bondage. “He will fight for you, you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:14)
By Grace,
Cortney Rae