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A Caterpillar and a Butterfly

A caterpillar and a butterfly spoke to each other one day.

The caterpillar said to the butterfly, "One day, I will be like you. Beautiful and able to fly."

The butterfly replied, "I am still growing day by day, stronger and stronger."

The caterpillar looked around slightly puzzled. "But I only inch around on the ground. Soon, my cocoon will form and I will turn into a butterfly like you! Then I will finally know who I really am."

The butterfly then went on to explain to the caterpillar, "In every season there is a purpose. To know your purpose in flying, you must learn your purpose in the waiting. It is not about finding an is about becoming.


Click the video to learn more about this concept of "becoming". Blessings to you, friends!

©2018 by The Becoming.

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